S1: 29 Reducing Unconscious Bias According to Harvard University

academic research anti-racism bias awareness compassionate cultures critical thinking diversity and inclusion diversity training follow the science group dynamics harvard law school human relationships intersectionality reducing bias social justice training and education unconscious bias May 01, 2024
Strawberry Words Courses
S1: 29 Reducing Unconscious Bias According to Harvard University

Continuing this series on undoing unconscious biases, in this episode I take a look through a section of the academic paper Follow the Science: Proven Strategies for Reducing Unconscious Bias by David Hoffman and Helen Winter from Harvard Law School. What a fascinating read! 

Tune in to learn their findings on how to reduce unconscious biases on a group level. Let us know what you thought about this episode. Listen to the Compassionate Cultures Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music and the Strawberry Words website.

Read more about our Time to Talk About Race CPD-accredited course which includes an assessed module on UNCONSCIOUS BIAS here: https://www.strawberrywordscourses.co.uk/time-to-talk-about-race-cpd-course

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Talking about racism can seem difficult and uncomfortable. This CPD accredited course provides a foundational education on racism to help to increase racial literacy which includes building confidence to speak about and deal with issues concerning race. It provides a language through which meaningful conversation can take place (particularly in the workplace).

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