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Free antiracism course

Talking about racism can seem difficult and uncomfortable. The temptation can be to avoid discussion. However, issues around race seldom disappear. This 2-hour, Time to Talk about Race online CPD accredited course, provides a foundational education on racism to help increase racial literacy which includes building confidence to speak about and deal with issues of race. It provides a language through which meaningful conversation can take place (particularly in the workplace).

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Creating compassionate cultures

We know your desire is to create a welcoming  environment, where all people are accepted and feel a sense of belonging and inclusion. 

Who is it suitable for?

This course is suitable for all organisations including large and small companies, educational establishments and the third sector. 



  • Understand systemic racism
  • Learn about unconscious bias
  • Grasp new terminology
  • Learn about microaggression
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From £50 per person

  • Enable a collective understanding
  • Attract and retain ethnic minority staff
  • Minimise racist incidents
  • Enable all to feel confident to discuss race
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