Sample Our Time to Talk About Race Course Now!

We invite you to sample two lessons from our flagship CPD accredited Time to Talk About Race course.

Study time: 12 minutes (approx)


1. Click 'Start Now'

2. Complete form

3. Check your email for your login details


NB: There is no catch to this offer (we don't believe in tricking people). It is completely free of charge. 

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"I've learned loads and will be recommending it. It felt a very safe place to learn and reflect. I think I wouldn't have done so much reflecting if this was taught in a group."


"Doing this course & knowing that my colleagues are also doing this course, made me feel seen."


"The content was well-organised and well-explained. Thank you for providing a list of further reading. The delivery in the videos was great, I liked that it was very natural without too much editing, it made it easier to relate to."

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About Strawberry Words

Strawberry Words training consultancy exudes a passion for kindness and is dedicated to enhancing human connections. Our expertise lies in crafting compassionate cultures and adeptly navigating difficult conversations surrounding culture, identity, and race.

Some of the services on offer:

  • Support sessions for women and/or ethnic minorities
  • Leadership Coaching


  • Managing Difficult Conversations
  • Cultural Awareness
  • Antiracism (including train-the-trainer)
  • Unconscious Bias
  • Microaggressions
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