Separating Myths from Facts About Sexual Harassment

discrimination gender gender discrimination myths sexual harassment Feb 04, 2025

We have found whilst delivering sexual harassment training, that people often make assumptions about what it is and that leads to many myths. With tougher penalties for organisations that have not adequately prevented sexual harassment, it pays to ensure myths are squashed!
To help, here are some common myths and their corresponding facts:

Myth - False reports are common.

Fact - False allegations of sexual harassment are rare. Research shows that less than 1% of complaints are false.

Myth - Harassment only involves romantic advances.

Fact - Sexual harassment encompasses a wide range of unwanted behaviours, including:

• Unwelcome jokes or comments of a sexual nature
• Inappropriate gestures or touching
• Making stereotypical comments about gender
• Creating a hostile work environment

Myth - Misgendering a transgender person cannot be classed as sexual harassment.
NB: In our experience, this is a very common misperception. Some even deem it funny.
Fact - Persistent and deliberate misgendering can be considered sexual harassment, as it is based on a person's gender/sex. It is illegal under the Equality Act 2010 and can create a hostile work environment. There is nothing funny about this.

Myth - Only young women get harassed
Fact - Sexual harassment can happen to anyone, regardless of age, physical appearance, or marital status. It is primarily about power dynamics rather than attraction. However, according to The Office of National Statistics, women between the ages of 16 – 24 are more likely to face sexual harassment. 

Myth - Men cannot be victims of sexual harassment.
Fact - While women are more commonly targeted, men can also experience sexual harassment.

According to the Government Equalities Commission in 2020, 7% of men face sexual harassment in the workplace. 

Men are more likely to be harassed when they form part of the minority in a working environment. This can often be overlooked!

Unfortunately, because this can be quite an uncomfortable topic, many myths exist and are normalised. This can be very dangerous. Consider sharing this newsletter with colleagues to help dispel harmful myths in trying to eliminate sexual harassment from the workplace.

Let Us Help
Learn more about our new online course (soon to be CPD-accredited)- Understanding Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. 


Talking about racism can seem difficult and uncomfortable. This CPD accredited course provides a foundational education on racism to help to increase racial literacy which includes building confidence to speak about and deal with issues concerning race. It provides a language through which meaningful conversation can take place (particularly in the workplace).

Time to Talk about Race Online Course

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