S1:26 - 5 Ways to Attract the “Hard-to-reach”

attracting ethcni minorities engagement techniques engaging with ethnic minotities hard to reach communities retention Apr 10, 2024
Strawberry Words Courses
S1:26 - 5 Ways to Attract the “Hard-to-reach”

Many organisations find it tricky to attract ethnic minorities for projects, consultations, jobs, etc… In this episode, I share my 5 top tips to consider when embarking on such a task. Make sure you’re taking notes!


Learn about common pitfalls, how to change thinking around the term  “hard-to-reach” and some of the best ways to find people of a global majority background with whom to connect.

Talking about racism can seem difficult and uncomfortable. This CPD accredited course provides a foundational education on racism to help to increase racial literacy which includes building confidence to speak about and deal with issues concerning race. It provides a language through which meaningful conversation can take place (particularly in the workplace).

Time to Talk about Race Online Course

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